2379 Beville Rd, Daytona Beach, FL 32119
© 1994-2025 ICI Homes™ is a registered trademark whose divisions operate under CBC1264300, CBC1262120, CRC1333091, CBC1262114, CBC1257263 and CBC1265743. Features may be plan specific and vary. Please consult a Sales Associate for specific feature information. All new ICI Homes come with a HBW 2-10 warranty. Certain elevations may have additional fees. Prices may not include lot premiums, upgrades, and options. Inventory home completion date may vary. All prices subject to change without notice. All plans are property of ICI Homes and cannot be copied or used without permission. Prices, promotions, incentives, features, options, amenities, floor plans, elevations, site maps, designs, materials, and dimensions are for illustrative purposes only and subject to change without notice. Plans and elevations are artist’s renderings only and may not be relied upon to accurately represent the actual condition of a home as constructed, and may contain options that are not standard or are no longer available. Plans should not be relied upon as representation express or implied of final sizes, locations, features or dimensions. Square footage and dimensions are estimated and may vary from description.